A banking client required a simple platform to monitor 5,000+ applications and wanted to rationalize their oversized portfolio of 100+ application and network monitoring tools. They also wanted to automate business processes related to infrastructure while decreasing vendor management costs.
Y&L Development:
- Formed Project Optimized Development teams to automate and monitor infrastructure requirements.
- Used telemetry POD to integrate 100+ tools into a common cockpit to display infrastructure alerts and system failures.
- Delivered service-management automation solutions for IT infrastructure end-user service operations.
- Automated end-user production requests like password resets, desk phone name changes, etc.
- 5,000+ system applications monitored through a single cockpit.
- Increased automated password resets from 31% to 74%.
- Increased overall self-serviced ticket volumes from 5.2% to 10.8%.
- $800,000 in manpower cost savings.
- Centralized 100+ application monitoring and infrastructure tools.