Our bank client uses a proprietary platform, to manage their sales, onboarding and account services. This allows our client to have an end-to-end flow of information on prospecting to customer onboarding and upselling. Through the consolidation of activities, their platform has enabled the bank to train branch representatives on one application. Their platform also ensures that branch sales performance and incentives are tracked consistently.
Although their platform is the core CRM platform for the bank, it lags industry advances in CRM. This is partly because it has grown in complexity over the years. In addition, third-party CRM systems like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics CRM can amortize development costs against several thousands of customers. The desktop client-server architecture of their platform also makes it difficult to extend it to serve a meaningful role in the omni-channel future that the client wants to move towards.
The bank is not interested in replacing their platform but, rather, transform it into a web-based application using the latest .Net framework technologies. During the re-development, Y&L enabled the following enhancements for the bank:
- Created a UI that is easy to learn and is error resistant
- Manage upsell opportunities to current customers and initiatives for prospective customers
- Workflow for assigning new/upscale opportunities to branch sales associates
- Sales performance tracking with configurable inventive calculation
- Make next-best product suggestions as part of the workflow (i.e. during account opening suggest getting a credit card)
- Teller referral and sales closure tracking
- Account onboarding and servicing workflows for different account and product variations
- Support for multiple bank branches
- Created documentation for account, product, privacy and bank/branch related regulations
- Improved process workflows and data flows between sub-systems